In case you use a database-driven script app for your site, all content that you or the site users add, is saved in cells and tables in a database, not as simple text in the app files. In contrast, HTML sites are static and all the content on such a website is part of the actual HTML files. A web-based store app, for example, takes all items, prices, user reviews, and many others, from its database and this is valid for any other script that allows you to make a dynamic site. The more the information you include, the larger the database gets, so in case you employ a script-driven website, you need to make sure that your web hosting plan features enough database storage space. The aforementioned applies no matter what type of databases you employ - for instance MySQL or PostgreSQL.

PostgreSQL Database Storage in Cloud Web Hosting

All of our Linux cloud web hosting services were designed with the concept to provide you with the chance to select the most suitable attributes depending on the type of sites you'd like to host. If you don't need PostgreSQL databases, for example, you can choose a package which does not include this system as standard. Should you change your mind later or if you'd like to have PostgreSQL from the start, you can choose one of the packages that include PostgreSQL support. All of the packages include plenty of storage for your databases, therefore even when your websites get bigger, you will not encounter any problems, as some plans come even with unlimited space. For the lower-end packages, the PostgreSQL storage will be upgraded with just a few clicks from the Hepsia web hosting Control Panel.

PostgreSQL Database Storage in Semi-dedicated Hosting

If you'd like to use PostgreSQL for your sites, you are able to benefit from our powerful semi-dedicated server plans. Depending on the sites that you would like to have, you can select between restricted and unlimited PostgreSQL storage, because a smaller site needs a smaller amount resources, which means that you can pay a smaller monthly fee. The top-end package contains unrestricted storage space and since it also features a lot more computing power, you'll be able to operate heavy script applications without a problem and without having to worry that your sites can expand too much. You are able to manage huge online stores or community forums with a large number of users and irrespective of how much their PostgreSQL databases grow, there will be no disorders because of hitting some limit. For your convenience, you'll always be able to see the size of each database in addition to the overall size that all of the databases take, yet you won't ever see any kind of restriction in the website hosting Control Panel.